21 November 2007


For those of you (robot builder) out there who need more information or perhaps a complete documentation to help you build a Robot using beam technology, kindly visit the following link below:


Apart from those useful document, the site also provide you with plenty of parts, spare part for building simple to advance robot. For the beginners, it may take you a while and plenty of experiment to fully able to understand the mechanism or how the all system works together as a complete functioning robotic that can move, jump, sprint, crawl and so on and so forth. Building robot does not require you to have a formal education in electronic engineering. What important is that you must like robot and always want to know more about robot, be it simple or advance robot. Be willing to spend your time to read, study, experiment, and most importantly build them yourself. There are plenty of books, info, articles in robotic, in the net you can find thousand of documentation, in fact some site give a free tutorial with pictures, to show you step by step on how to build yourself your very own robot.

Until you have successfully build your own robot, you will not know the feeling of excitement and the feeling of deep self satisfaction, as if you have given a life to these miniture mechanical creatures. Robot have always and will always facinate me ever since I was a boy.

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