02 June 2008

Weight Does Matter

Actually I am referring to the weight of the laptop (the current small laptop weight roughly between 1.4kg to 2kg for a 12.1" screen). The nature of today working environment involve massive use of computer technology, be it banking, engineering, or even blogging, everybody use computer. Therefore one must be aware that going mobile is of paramount important to keep in touch with client, office or even managing your blog. However carrying one of these mobile devices around is not as convenient as it may seem since you have to endure the weight and sometime may dislocate you shoulder while carrying them around.

Laptop is very convenient and it meant for mobility. Some may not matter too much of the weight. What matter them most is the performance of the devices. They will carry them via back pac (It seems like a trend nowadays even for the executive). I see many of them carrying laptop using back pac and so far none of them complaining (for now). To me I preferred to go light and small. I have tried using a palm TX, which have a quite big little screen and enough for me to edit and bring along my word doc using an application named doc to go.

The palm TX is very light and small. In spite of it sizes, you can’t have both world. What I mean was, the palm TX is small and light but it has it disadvantages as well and the most prominent is when you open word application and trying to edit them. It is not as convenient and easy when you compare to using a laptop. Hence you still need the bulky, heavy, big screen and the feel of a laptop to be able to write and edit word doc comfortably.

I owned a small Asus laptop model Eee PC with the following specification:

Model Name
Eee PC 4G
Display 7"
Intel CPU & Chipset
Operating System : GNU Linux : Windows XP compatible
Color : Galaxy black
Ethernet Communication
Memory : 512 MB (DDR2)
S.S.D. Storage (Solid-State Disk) :4G
Audio : Hi-Definition audio : Stereo speaker : Microphone
Battery : 4 Cells, 2.8~3.5hrs*
Weight : 0.92 kg

The Asus EeePC is a full fledge PC and it much lighter as compare to the current laptop available in the market. Eventhough the screen is only 7" but it still gives me enough room to edit word document. Yes, to me it makes a lot of different especially when it come to weight.

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